‘Why can’t adults be more like kids. He didn’t see black or white, he saw only a law enforcement officer and who he called a hero.’

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“Today this beautiful young child approached me at Chick-fil-A and thanked me. I took him to the counter and bought him a cookie.

He then had me wait and he gave me a gift card to eat at Chick-fil-A again. He is the very reason I have served in USMC, State Police and now City Police.

The faith, innocence and love of a child is immeasurable. In a world that’s divided by racial tension, prejudice and discrimination, why can’t adults be more like kids. He didn’t see black or white, he saw only a law enforcement officer and who he called a hero.

I applaud his parents for raising a child who loves everyone. I know that some people hate police, but it’s days like today that God often reminds me of those who love, honor and respect the badge and uniform. This is another best day ever!

God is always reminding us of his presence.”

Cop kneels beside young boy in Chik-Fil-A line
Courtesy Terence Brister

This story was written by Terence Brister. The story originally appeared hereSubmit your story here, and subscribe to our best stories in our free newsletter here.

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