‘What you see on social media is NOT life.’: Young woman discusses mental health awareness, ‘You’re never a burden’

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“So I hear it’s mental health awareness week… (aka, what should be EVERY week)

It may be late to upload, but ANY time is the right time to address mental health.

I normally take some time to come up with the words I put on my pictures, but to be honest, these express exactly how I feel about it!

Because it IS f*cking okay NOT to be okay!


I’d be lying if I said I could even remember why I was crying in the first picture, or why I was smiling in the second.

But that’s the beauty of our emotions and our mental health. Sometimes emotions are up, sometimes they are down.

Both make us amazing humans.

Just because I can’t remember why, does not mean those emotions were not valid, or I was overreacting, or I am weak.


Honor your body, honor all your emotions, honor you.

Ronan Keating was not lying when he sang ‘life is a rollercoaster.’ Nor was he lying when he finishes with ‘just gotta ride it.’

Social media tends to only show the top of that rollercoaster, the highest points, the best parts… but that’s not life and it’s okay.

You’re stronger than you know!


Your feelings are ALWAYS valid.

You are never a burden.

My DMs are always open.”

One picture of a woman's face crying, the other she is happy, posing on a blanket in the grass
Courtesy of Faye

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Faye. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.


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