‘I told him his grandfather was dying. ‘He doesn’t look good, and may not recognize you.’ He said, ‘that’s fine Mom, I’ll just sit with him then.’ I looked over, and saw this.’

“An hour later, my brother called me. ‘Meghan I just found dad in the bathroom, he isn’t responsive.’ ‘Facetime me, let me try and talk to him!’ ‘No Meghan, I’m telling you, there’s something wrong.’ The image of my dad is something I’ll never forget.”

‘There is smoke all around me. A bright flash followed by debris rushing past my face. A pitched ringing in my ears. My mouth is moving, but no sound is coming out.’

“The smell of burning flesh is in the air. My helmet chin strap is inside my mouth and being forced down my throat. In a state of panic, I pull at it and choke violently. All my senses are in shock. In an attempt to escape my impending fate, I notice all movement is restricted by an unseen force. Then, I wake up.”

‘I was told, ‘We didn’t want your head to pop off.’ There was a serious problem.’: Woman diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome after 10 years because ‘it can be very difficult to be taken seriously as a teenage girl’

“I felt my skull slide into my throat. I immediately started gagging and pushed my chair on its hind legs. It can be very difficult to be a teenage girl and be taken seriously. This wasn’t the first or last time I’d be doubted about my symptoms. Being doubted really plays with your head. I was never a dramatic attention seeking individual.”

‘My sister pushed me to have an abortion, but I couldn’t do it. Not even 90 days clean, I found out I was pregnant.’: Woman overcomes addictions to have beautiful baby

“We ended up talking. I opened up about my grief and he shared that his father had passed away. We had been very good friends for years and helped each other through battling the same demons… And then I got the call, he had been robbed and shot in a parking lot. My world crumbled. Why him? Why now?”

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