‘He said, ‘I know she can’t go home,’ and was quiet the rest of the ride. He sat beside her, so happy to see her, saying how much he loved her.’: Woman shares love story between parents as mom battles dementia

“She was staring straight ahead. That didn’t matter to him. He was back with his Mary Jane. I noticed it was quiet. I look over and Dad is laying on her shoulder sobbing – not crying, sobbing. After my tears started, I went in their bathroom wanted to scream. So these are the golden years?”

‘Will you adopt my baby?’ I received a message from someone from my past. Of all the people in the world, they chose us.’: After battling Leukemia, 3 miscarriages, couple adopt 2 miracle babies

“At 19-years-old, I had fallen in love with my childhood boyfriend who was dying. He overcame a 10% chance of survival and he swears it’s because I loved him through it. Cancer stripped us of our ability to have kids without medical assistance. After we lost our third baby through IVF, we knew what God was calling us to.”

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