‘With tears welling up, I muttered, ‘But why does it hurt so much when I eat?’ Nobody could answer me.’: Woman diagnosed with MALS after 5 years of pain, ‘My journey is something to be celebrated’

“I was crying in pain after just a few bites of food. They ran test after test, but not a single one gave us any answers. ‘We have diagnosed you with Anorexia Nervosa. Your head is messing with you.’ I started to doubt my intuition and wonder if maybe this pain was my fault.”

‘I wasn’t the stereotypical addict on the streets with no teeth, begging for money. I had children. I was functioning. I’d get up, eat, go to the gym. Then, I’d go on a bender for days.’

“I’d do whatever I could to distract myself from the fact that I felt alone. I always wanted to stop, but I didn’t know how. People around me knew, but never said anything. It made me feel like it was okay. I didn’t realize I needed to change until I lost my children. I decided if I couldn’t beat this and see my kids again, I’d kill myself.”

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