Four sisters pose with their adopted little brother

‘We were told, ‘Having 6 children significantly reduces chances of a birth mother selecting your family.’ The call to adopt was hard to ignore.’: Woman adopts 7th child, develops special relationship with teen birth mom

“’When he’s placed in your arms, and all he knows is you and all he has is you. The same parental instinct that cares and protects our other children, will develop.’ I held out hope my husband and God would show our family the path we were supposed to be on.”

‘Something weird was happening. My abdomen started to swell. I appeared 7 months pregnant. The second we left the clinic, fear invaded us.’: Mom births quadruplets, claims she wouldn’t ‘change it for anything in the world’

“‘There’s something out of the ordinary here.’ They extracted four liters of the mystery fluid from my body, but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They performed several tests and it was determined that, health wise, I was fine. Soon after, I decided to do a pregnancy test. I was looking at not 1 or 2 embryos, but 4. Quadruplets!”

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