“My story is not her story. She deserves her own. And I owe her my best. Today. Tomorrow. Always.”
- Love What Matters
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“My story is not her story. She deserves her own. And I owe her my best. Today. Tomorrow. Always.”
“I can’t stop my baby from growing. I can’t stop him from asking someone else to dance. So I’ll watch from a reasonable distance, clutching my heart and holding my breath.”
“I had two choices: make my kid go into school feeling confused, hurt, uncomfortable, and unworthy or drive away. I drove away.”
“When asked if we knew this was a permanent decision, and we could not change our minds, our sweet boy took the microphone and said, ‘YES!’”
“These are the people I handed my children to as babies, and toddlers, and preschoolers, and the people who looked at me with reassuring eyes when I needed it most.”
“‘What do you hope to achieve in your time here?’ Defeatedly, I said, ‘I just want my life back.’”
“They continued, ‘My friend just had a death in the family and I want to do something for him. Is it appropriate for me to bring him a donut from his favorite bakery?’ It’s a question that is probably on the minds of many people out there.”
“It’s incredibly hard to understand how we got here, to the tiniest urn you’ve laid eyes on and a few ultrasound pictures.”
“My adoptive father’s motto has always been ‘there is enough love to go around for everyone.’”
“There are so many of us sitting in dark closets all alone, and if I can bring my light to someone in their dark closet… I’m here for it.”