‘I opened the gate to drive my mower out, and there he was. Spinning donuts on my lawn.’: Army wife thankful for friendship with neighbor, ‘Ari reminds me there are still good people in this world’

“This is my neighbor, Ari. He knows my situation, with Matt being deployed and everything that’s on my plate. He’s the one that calls when it looks like things aren’t going well over here; the one that wheels my trash to the curb if I forget; the one that mows my lawn when he has time.” 

‘I married a wealthy man at the age of 19. He was already divorced and 15 years older. I ran away and broke all ties with my parents. I was vulnerable.’

“I remember someone from another relationship telling me, ‘You should be happy, at least I am taking off one major thing in your to-do list by marrying you!’ I made the decision that my son and I will never meet him again. People often remind me I am a single mother. I tell them, ‘I was a single mother even when I was married.’”

‘Slightly panicked, I asked where she’d like to go for the first date. Anywhere in the city. ‘Steak-n-Shake. I want you to see me in all my glory,’ she replied. That’s when I truly started to fall in love.’

“I like to think I am funny, so I used the movie quote, ‘My idea of a perfect date is April 25th…’ I truly thought nothing more of it, until a few days later, when she matched with me. She sent me a message to my Tinder inbox.  ‘Because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light Jacket.’ I was surprised.”

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