‘I grew up obsessed with Little House on the Prairie. I wanted to give my children a simplified childhood. One with very few electronics. I really took a step back on how I’m raising my kids.’

“I want them to be KIDS and not someone I am trying to keep entertained. I want them to spend their summers the way their dad and I did. I want them to learn how to play Red Rover, Capture the flag, and Marco Polo. I want them to have tire swings, chalk, climbing trees, and mud pies. I want their finger nails to be dark brown from playing in the dirt.”

‘The doctor said, ‘The parents need to understand there is no chance of their daughter having a meaningful life.’ I thought, ‘My daughter has meant more to me in the last 2 days than you will EVER mean to me.’

“What would our daughter have to do to be meaningful? Would she have to talk? Would she have to be able to solve math problems or perform in the school play? Graduating? Getting a job? Getting married? At what point would the doctor say, ‘Ok, you are meaningful now.”

‘Who the heck was Wyatt left alone with?!’ They told me his injuries were consistent with shaken baby syndrome. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.’: Woman realizes her son has been the victim of child abuse

“I was then notified by the police that my ex-husband’s girlfriend did indeed have a criminal history. My immediate thought was, ‘How come people who sexually abuse children have to register, but people who physically abuse children don’t? It made me sick to my stomach. I knew in that moment, I had to make a change in this world.”

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