‘How can you love this man when he continues to hurt you?’ Little did l know, she was texting all of this to my husband and kindling a secret relationship.’: Woman discovers abusive husband’s affair with best friend

“My best friend pulled into the driveway of my home as I was packing. I started bawling my eyes out, sharing my pain. The door slammed wide open. She had been kindling a relationship with my husband behind my back and sharing all of my personal details and events with him. He threw me out of our house in my panties. I sat there, cold, alone, and numb.”

‘His head was in his hands. ‘I ruined everything! Call the daycare. Tell them we can’t send the kids anymore.’ I used to hide in the bathroom to cry.’: Couple supports each other through job loss, ‘This too, shall pass’

“We had another baby, we were happy. Things were great, until they weren’t. I’ll never forget the day when I called in sick because of a bad migraine. An hour after my husband left for work, he called to tell me the bad news. He’d lost his job. He was crying, I could barely understand what he was saying.”

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