“Finding the right rainy day activities can help your kids bring a new level of joy to their outdoor play.”
- Love What Matters
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“Finding the right rainy day activities can help your kids bring a new level of joy to their outdoor play.”
“Find the small things that make you happy and celebrate them HARD.”
“I found myself fighting with her on what to wear for the longest time until it hit me. It’s not important.”
“I’ll cry with you so you don’t have to cry alone with your child.”
“Love will make you do crazy things, and military love makes you do them fast. My mind was spinning, but I closed my eyes and jumped.”
“I’m his voice when he is voiceless. I’m going to always speak up for my child and his mental health.”
“No matter what life throws your way, I’ll always be your first best friend. I will be there for you every step of the way.”
“Our mood swings seem bizarre, even to ourselves. We didn’t ask for feel this way.”
“But unfortunately, that isn’t our reality, infertility is… and it sucks.”
“Logically, I probably should be done, but my heart wants one more.”