‘How do you feel?’ I said, ‘Shocked.’ But the relief I felt was unreal. Tears streamed down my face.’: Woman diagnosed with autism at 30, ‘Autism is not something I have. It’s who I am.’

“As my phone began to ring, I noticed there was no caller ID. My heart skipped a beat, my throat tightened, and I froze. I knew this was it. Why were they calling now? This was not a good time. My report was ready. I felt the blood rush to my head. I was walking through a busy street. Tears streamed down my face. I had waited for forever. Why had we not seen it for so many years? I was 30 years old – so much of my life had been a lie.”

‘Doctors told me it was ‘a blocked milk duct.’ It felt like a lemon seed under my skin, close to my areola, and hadn’t hurt at all.’: Woman with breast cancer stays positive, ‘I’ve got this. Everything will be okay.’

“My diagnosis came when I was a 48-year-old, post-menopausal woman with no biological children. I told myself, ‘I have to get my sh*t together quick!’ Things were progressing well until a few days after we moved into a new home. I was experiencing severe shortness of breath, which I’d mistakenly attributed to chemo side effects. Long story short, 840 gallons of propane leaked into our home. By the time the leak was discovered, my treatment plan had been modified.”

‘I’m not in love with you. I haven’t been since you got pregnant.’ He didn’t shed a tear. He turned his back and went to sleep.’: Couple learn to peacefully co-parent after separation, ‘Our love for our little girl comes first’

“‘I was waiting for the right time to tell you.’ It was 2 a.m. on a Sunday night, our little girl sleeping so peacefully on my chest. Memories of our honeymoon, our wedding anniversary just weeks before crowded in on me. How long had I been living a lie? I remember wishing I could tell him to get out. I was paralyzed. He turned his back, went to sleep as I lay awake, sobbing. Every night, I’d dream about hurting him. I had so much anger hidden away, I was afraid I’d explode.”

‘I’ve written him a prescription for 10 narcotics.’ HOLD UP! A vasectomy is more painful than pushing out an 8-pound baby?’: Wife given ibuprofen after childbirth infuriated by husband’s special treatment at same hospital

“This baby was 2 pounds heavier than my others. My hemorrhoids were raging. ‘Your only option is ibuprofen,’ the nurse explained. Huh? I was told they’ve done away with narcotics after birth and only C-section patients are allowed to have stronger medication. A month later, my husband went in for his vasectomy. His procedure was at the exact same hospital I’d just given birth in. I about fell out of my chair!”

‘My hubby snapped this photo while I fell asleep sitting up, breastfeeding our 2-week-old twins. It’s the most unflattering image, but it makes me proud.’: Mom to twins reminds us how ‘amazing’ the female body can be 

“Exhausted doesn’t fully describe this photo. I was sneaking in a nap while healing from 2 types of births: Baby A vaginal, Baby B cesarean. My body was working non-freaking-stop to make all the milk for these boys. People ask, ‘How do you do it with 4 kids?’ I shrug and respond, ‘Moms always figure it out.’ Even when we have no clue how, we make it work. We’ve got a drive within us that is unstoppable. The funny thing is, I’d do it all over again.”

‘I didn’t care whether I lived or died.’: Male sexual abuse survivor who retaliated against abuser advocates for child abuse laws, ‘Break the silence’

“My abuser was a man I not only looked up to, but trusted completely. He was a lieutenant in the local sheriff’s department, a trusted family friend, and my Boy Scout Master. As I sat in my prison cell I had a visit, for the second time, from that internal voice: ‘You are going to be a motivational speaker.'”

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