‘Say you love them and mean it. Life is so short. Stop hinting around about what you want and just say it. Be happy with your person or don’t get married.’: Woman reminds us ‘love happens not only in the sunshine but also in the shadows’

“‘Girl, run the other way!’ My husband told me a story tonight about a couple who’d been together many years and decided to divorce. ‘They still loved each other, but have become different people.’ They were together for 22 years. This made me so so sad.”

‘I was 13 when an older friend said, ‘I’m out of condoms but it’s fine, I know what I’m doing.’ I believed him.’: Woman says the key to a healthy sex life after a ‘past’ is communication

“At 13, I began to let boys put their hands on my sacred spaces, but my permission still didn’t gain their respect. I was just a goal conquered as he walked past the football team. I saw the smirks and yet I continued to endure the degrading behavior. Sex is so much more sacred than mankind has treated it.”

‘They will remove your ovary through your vagina.’ My heart skipped a beat. ‘What? I’m on my period.’ The color never returned to his face.’: Woman cracks jokes before ovarian tumor surgery

“My mother-in-law asked me if I liked my doctor. ‘Well, I did before he stuck his finger in my butthole!’ I make jokes. Sometimes, really inappropriate ones. There is no right way or wrong way to deal with a situation like this. I was at a hospital that had already saved my life once.”

‘The vet said, ‘I’ve never seen anything like this in my 35 years. The odds are astronomical.’: Boy battling craniosynostosis finds puppy with rare, nearly identical brain pressure condition

“I was cutting my son’s hair on a Friday afternoon when I noticed his head looked a bit different. His forehead popped out quite a bit and the top of his head was higher than the back. Months later, we noticed our puppy was becoming more and more sleepy. He was having a hard time standing on his legs and would get winded very fast. ‘The odds of them both having this are astronomical.’ The news hit me like a brick. Thanos and Branson were meant for each other.”

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