‘My child started hiding canned foods in the garage. ‘I wanted to make sure we had enough, mom.’ I realized then that they were panicking, because I was.’: Mom urges for a calm in the storm, ‘Take a breath, your kids are watching’

“I told my kids to make sure they picked up a pack of TP every time they went into a store. Let’s be real, your kids know what’s going on. We are teaching them it’s okay to mow somebody down when they’re scared of something.”

‘As you push past another shopper, determined to be the first one through the checkout line, your children are watching.’: Mom reminds us to hold our children tight, ‘Your actions speak just as loudly as your words’

“You fretfully throw toilet paper and hand-sanitizer into your shopping cart. You rigorously wash your hands, for the fourth time this hour. ‘Are we going to be okay, mama?’ they ask on the car ride home. Your actions speak just as loudly as your words.”

‘Mommy, kids were yelling and happy, but I’m scared.’ She tearfully told me students poured into the hallways after dismissal. I choked back sobs.’: Mom says ‘if we are engaged, we can teach our kids coping skills and resiliency’

“I knew my husband was there to get her but I was too far away in that moment. I know that panic because I’ve had it too. These are the generations that were born and raised post 9-11. They are a generation that grew up practicing active shooter drills at school. Yet they kept going to school. Until now.”

‘I noticed an elderly man standing behind a bridge. ‘Excuse me sir, are you OK?’ He turned and looked at me. ‘I’m OK love. I’m just admiring the view.’: Woman says elderly are ‘most at risk and most hopeful’

“‘Oh no,’ I thought. Was he panicking? Was he all alone and afraid? He turned around and said, ‘Lovely day, isn’t it?’ He tipped his hat, gave me a smile, and walked off in the direction of home. In all of this, they are the most calm. The most brave. The most hopeful. They aren’t stock piling pasta or toilet rolls, they are looking out for themselves and others.”

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