‘Someone drove by and shouted, ‘Get back in your house. You’re the reason people are dying!’ For sitting on my lawn. Alone.’: Wife of nurse says ‘have grace, you don’t know what others are going through’

“I haven’t kissed or hugged my husband who works on the frontlines as a nurse in weeks. Every night, I must reassure my 5-year-old that no, daddy’s not going to die. But when the lights go out, I worry about the same thing. There I was, instantly sobbing because someone decided to lash out on me for breathing air.”

‘The toddler who threw an epic tantrum? He’s bored right now, and he’s picking up on everyone else’s emotions.’: Woman urges ‘love harder, we’re all in this together’

“The teenager who’s frustrated and full of attitude? She’s lonely and misses her friends. Your spouse who’s been short tempered? He’s carrying worries he’s too afraid to communicate. The friend who forgot to call back? She’s overwhelmed and just doing the best she can to get by right now.”

‘Today my husband to let a few of his best guys go. There’s only so much distance you can put between yourself and another person in his line of work.’: Couple says pandemic ‘has shown us how much we take for granted’

“My husband is considered essential and is still able to work. Everyone at his job is basically walking on eggshells. It’s hard not to worry about him being exposed and bringing the virus home to us. There’s only so much distance you can put between yourself and another person in his line of work.”

‘When this is over, I’ll let you pick the restaurant we dine at first. I promise I won’t complain, be picky, or be impatient if the food takes longer.’: Woman tells husband ‘let’s make the most with what we’ve got’

“Date nights were our peace in the beautiful chaos of family life – our time, just you and me, together. Date nights reminded us our marriage was a priority, before being daddy and mommy. I miss the romance, break from the ordinary, and the routine too.”

‘That could be us,’ I whisper. This time it was a young family guy. I look at him and see my husband, the father of my kids staring back at me.’: Woman with anxiety during pandemic says ‘today I’m making the choice to focus on what I can control’

“Scrolling through my feed, there’s another story. Phrases like ‘young’ and ‘picture of health’ are preceded by a date of death. My stomach drops to remind me that this photo was taken ‘just days before.’ I look at him and I see my husband, and the father of my children staring back at me.”

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