‘The nurse’s note he left behind said, ‘Brooke is my everything.’ Mr. Hudson didn’t have any family, so I gladly stepped up to be a daughter to him.’: Woman pays tribute to friend who died of cancer, ‘I will see him again’

“Around 3:30 p.m., Mr. Hudson went to be with his Lord and Savior. The nurses told me prior to his passing, he sang ‘Amazing Grace’ so loudly it echoed throughout the facility. He had been a little confused lately, but he knew every word. I’ve been crying all afternoon and evening.”

‘The time will come too quickly, when they’ll be out the door.  Before you know it, those 18 years fly, and you’ll be wishing for the time back.’: Mom urges ‘take every day for what it’s worth’

“You stand on the sidelines cheering them on, guiding them through the ins and outs of life. You take every hug you can get, kiss every boo-boo, give advice when they need it, and hope as they grow and age, they know mom will always be there with her door wide open.”

‘I used to judge victims of abuse. ‘Why are you allowing them to hurt you? Just stay away.’ I’ve learned a lot since then.’: Woman credits her dog with helping with her mental health ‘he doesn’t understand, but he doesn’t have to’

“My friends are starting to notice. They’ve asked me what’s wrong. If anyone looks at me, they’ll know. Somehow, they’ll see right through me. It had to be my fault. I provoked you. You’d never hurt me. We’re happy. I’m fine.”

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