‘I let him know his lack of faith was a dealbreaker. ‘You will never find a man who will wait until marriage to have sex.’: Woman urges to singles ‘no amount of loneliness makes compromise worth it’

“Last night I FaceTimed with a guy I met on a dating app. I made it very clear on my profile I was looking for someone religious. ‘You’re looking for a needle in the haystack. You will never find a man to wait until marriage for sex. You’ll be single for years.’ My first reaction was heartbreak.”

‘I sit with one eye answering emails, the other on my son who stares at schoolwork like it’s a hate crime.’: Dad says ‘don’t feel bad, we’re all struggling’

“I continue to try and not get fired, which usually means I give up after 30 minutes and send them into the backyard with the hose, so I don’t end up dropping them off on church steps. Which really isn’t a possibility because churches are closed, but it’s the image I need to keep going.”

‘One minute I’m happy, savoring these little moments together. The next, I’m waiting for it all to end.’: Woman says ‘you don’t have to savor every moment, it’s OK to be hanging on by a thread’

“Three months ago, I had it all mapped out. Now, I cry over toilet paper. I’ve cried for my 3-year-old who misses his Mamo and Papa, or as my toddler begs me not to have another meeting. I feel like I’m on a roller coaster. And not a fun one either, more like the kind that makes you want to throw up.”

‘Last night we learned of the death of a toddler his age as we watched the news. Emergency rooms aren’t filled with kids like him.’: Mom of special needs child says ‘the least I can do is keep my family out of your care’

“I found myself grasping for perspective. There isn’t anything that will stop a parent of a special needs child for being there when their kids need them, not even COVID-19. The least I can do is work to keep my family out of your care.”

‘On the way into the house, he slipped and smashed his head onto the floor. ‘I cannot take this kid to the ER right now.’: Mom realizes ‘big feelings’ toddler is wrestling during quarantine

“My patience was pretty thin, and I snapped at him. What else did he want??? And then the tears kept coming. I took a longer look at that little pudgy boy in his pjs, crying over nothing. And I realized, more clearly than I have all week, that he’s not crying over nothing.”

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