‘She was abandoned in a ditch down the road. ‘I don’t know what to do.’ He was begging for help. We held our breath.’: Abandoned dog finds loving home, ‘It’s finally her time to enjoy life!’

“She looked like an alien creature. She stunk, she couldn’t see, and she bled all over our couch. We held our breath for the next 36 hours until our vet opened—we were afraid Lainey would succumb to her infections. She never had a chance to be a puppy.”

‘I’m about to deliver. Can you take my baby home with you? I’ve been diagnosed with Covid-19.’ They were virtually strangers.’: Teacher rescues newborn while family battles Covid-19

“‘If the baby goes home with us, the outcome will be tragic.’ She had only known this family since the beginning of the school year, and it was only because their 7-year-old was her student. They were virtually strangers to one another. And yet, my friend did what truly good people do. She said yes.”

‘The bullying from doctors was scarring. I felt a lump and started to shake. My self-esteem was rocked.’: Woman battles aggressive breast cancer after serious arm injury, ‘The harder it got, the more people showed up’

“The nurse I was assigned to made fun of my face painting and I got incredibly sick. I stood next to our car, afraid I would fall over while I screamed, ‘NOT ME!’ over and over again in broad daylight. I asked him one question, ‘Am I going to die?’ He didn’t answer.”

‘Who’s going to be my mommy?’ That’s the question I was asked from a 4-year-old little boy.’: Foster parent recalls difficult moment with foster child, ‘You never know when you say ‘yes’ what the outcome will be’

“I can remember several times telling my husband I didn’t know if I could keep doing it with this child. This particular boy proved to be the child who would rock our family. He had only been living with us for a month when he asked that pivotal question.”

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