‘She walks slowly toward labor and delivery, cradling her tight, swollen belly. Life as she knows it will never be the same.’: Woman urges to new moms ‘you are completely enough’

“Mama, can’t you see your transformation? I wish those corridors could applaud you. Then you would see the strength you possess. I wish those halls could rock you. To ensure you felt safe and supported. I wish those walls could whisper. So you would know that however your birth played out, you were amazing.”

‘He must have been a real keeper for you to honor him this way.’ She responded, ‘Anyone can say they love you, dear. But your true love will show it in a million little ways.’: Elderly widow explains life with ‘true love’

“She said, ‘Love is a person who’d get up early, even though he’d worked late, to start your car on a bitter cold morning. It’s a person who will gently take your hand in his and say, ‘I can’t live this life without you.’ I met Arthur and I saw what real love looked and felt like. It’s not always pretty. Sometimes it’s downright messy, but it’s always real.'”

‘Is he ok?’ I was afraid to say the words. I never told a soul about my feelings, not even my husband.’: Mom births son with Down syndrome, ‘I am so thankful for his perfect 47 chromosomes’

“I always imagined this big strong guy like my husband – a star football player and maybe a military pilot. But after Gabe’s diagnosis, suddenly those dreams came crashing down. I worried if Gabe would ever drive, get married, or just end up living with us forever.”

‘You give my kids something to look forward to every day, a smile from someone outside these four walls. Has anyone asked you, ‘How are you holding up?’: Mom pens appreciation letter to teachers

“I see your kids in the background during your one-one-one chats with my sons. Yours are working with headphones or playing in the backyard while you give my kids the attention they need. My little stinkers love you more than you’ll ever discern from their random, wandering stories on Zoom.”

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