‘A flu-like bug started spreading. ‘You’re black and strong, nothing will happen to you.’ The healthy white girl got her own room instead.’: Dancer powerfully explains ‘I will never color my shoes’

“The makeup artist takes 30 minutes to figure out my foundation color. The theaters ask me to find my own flesh-toned tights and undies because ‘they don’t know where to get my color.’ I do my own hair because the ladies don’t know what to do with my curls. I will NEVER COLOR my shoes.”

‘I hired a private detective. ‘For a few hundred more bucks, I can bring you face to face with your mother.’ Every time the phone rang, I hoped it was her missing me.’: Woman details life with addicted mother, ‘I vowed to be the best mom I can be’

“The doorbell rang at 6 a.m. I opened the door to see my mom standing between two policemen, muddy and handcuffed. She’d call me ‘Bucky,’ knowing I was self-conscious about my teeth. When I was 19 and getting married, no mom. When I was 20 and having my first baby, no mom. I had the same phone number for several years, but she never dialed it again.”

‘You’ll probably never see me again, but I wanted to say thank you for your service.’ He was about to move 3,000 miles away. My heart took over.’: Woman meets love of her life in Starbucks after act of kindness

“My jaw dropped as he walked in. ‘Wow, he is handsome!’ I brushed it off, knowing it wasn’t going to happen. People would ask, ‘When are you two getting together?!’ Days later, Chaz texted me: ‘Hey, let’s talk.’ I knew this was it. The ball was in his court. I was eager to know if there was an ‘us.’ I did everything I could to avoid sobbing right there, in the middle of Starbucks.”

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