“Every time I bake them, the smell in the house gets everyone in the kitchen waiting to eat them. That satisfaction is enough to fill my heart.”
- Love What Matters
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“Every time I bake them, the smell in the house gets everyone in the kitchen waiting to eat them. That satisfaction is enough to fill my heart.”
“I remember my partner saying, ‘I can’t see anything going wrong between us.’ I replied, ‘I do, my drinking.’ He didn’t seem to grasp that I couldn’t only have a couple of drinks. With me, it was all or nothing.”
“It’s been a crazy but enjoyable ride. That’s probably weird to hear. But this amputation really brought a new perspective on life.”
“Not only is this vital to their mental health and development, but it is the only way they will ever be able to truly love and accept themselves for who they are.”
“Nobody can make facing cancer easier, but he makes the rest of my life easier. Joe is an example of all the good in the world.”
“She is physically ill. Her back is injured from her fluctuating weight throughout her pregnancies. But she wants to be a joy for her children, so healing can wait.”
“When she asked me how I was, I told her, ‘Linda, I’m tired.’ And that’s when she said, ‘I got you, Baby.'”
“As a mom who struggles with chronic health issues, easy dinner plans are a must.”
“I’d cry every single day, unable to sleep out of fear of not being able to control my eating the next day. I was afraid to hang out with friends because of how I looked. I returned back to my younger self, inside her room struggling with food. I felt like a total failure.”
“I hid behind baggy clothes to blend in, or at least not stand out as badly. When anyone took my photo, I’d put something over my stomach or, if it was a group photo, hide in the back. I was so afraid to be seen. I was so afraid to fully live. All because I’d been taught my worth was based solely upon my body.”