“I would have never even gone to the appointment or the mammogram if my mother did not get the diagnosis A WEEK BEFORE MINE.”
- Love What Matters
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“I would have never even gone to the appointment or the mammogram if my mother did not get the diagnosis A WEEK BEFORE MINE.”
“It is estimated that 115 people are exposed to a single suicide, with 1 in 5 reporting this experience had a devastating impact or caused a major-life disruption. We need to bond together.”
“I hope you remember everything I did was to be the best mom I could. Your mom was never meant to be perfect. She was just meant to be yours.”
“As the ride comes to a temporary stop, you exhale and shake your head to get it to stop spinning. You climb off, regain your legs, and get back in line to ride again.”
“Next time you’re at the OBGYN hiding those undies under your shirt, you’ll think of me and my pink paper bolero jacket and laugh.”
“There isn’t a day that goes by that I regret it. I gave her a purpose and now she gives me a purpose.”
“His first opinion was to terminate baby B to give baby A a better chance. He was so flippant and casual with the idea of ending her life; I’m not sure I heard anything else he said. We immediately let him know we would not be choosing one baby over the other, and we needed to hear the other options.”
“I see you. I care for you. I love you. But sometimes, my best isn’t enough for this fast-paced life.”
“It became apparent to me very early on this was not something you can move on from. I had to make a decision. Do I follow the ‘rules’ of grief the way society has so neatly outlined and put into a box? Or do I take the time to sit in my grief, acknowledge her, and let her consume me until I am no longer afraid of the shadowy parts of my soul? I chose the second option.”
“We are not going anywhere. We are here, dammit. LGBT families deserve dignity, respect, and the chance to live like you.”