“It was the best of the best NICU team, from the security guards at the front desk, to the janitorial staff, to the nurses and neonatologists.”
- Love What Matters
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“It was the best of the best NICU team, from the security guards at the front desk, to the janitorial staff, to the nurses and neonatologists.”
“Our output level can neither add to our worth, nor take it away.”
“‘Why couldn’t I run without feeling so tired or weak? Why did every single movement make me feel like my body just wanted to shut down?’ I lost a lot of stamina and endurance and was dealing with mental exhaustion from being bullied at school.”
“This was ‘the call’ that fueled our passion to fight and prevent other moms, dads, families, or friends from finding themselves answering the phone just to realize this was ‘the call’ they never ever wanted to answer.”
“No child chooses to be an orphan or to be in foster care, and they deserve to be someone’s Plan A.”
“Summertime is a fun, lighthearted, and exciting time of the year. But there is nothing fun, lighthearted, or exciting about what summer body really means.”
“I keep my mom alive through her cooking.”
“She holds an endless pain called grief. It has changed the composition of her soul and the map of her future. It will be her shadow, following her delicately everywhere she goes.”
“Everything in me wants to keep you so incredibly close, sweet baby. But you were born to fly. So, spread those radiant wings far-and-wide, and conquer the world.”
“Co-parenting isn’t easy, but it can be so rewarding when you manage to get it right.”