Gavin had helped his mom through seizures before, but this was scarier than anything she’d experienced. Her 10-year-old was scared, too, but that didn’t stop him from leaping into action.
- Love What Matters
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Gavin had helped his mom through seizures before, but this was scarier than anything she’d experienced. Her 10-year-old was scared, too, but that didn’t stop him from leaping into action.
Julie Chin was in the midst of delivering the local news when she started acting strangely. Viewers at home had just witnessed the news anchor suffer the “beginnings of a stroke” on live TV.
“I have learned to lean into the struggle and really feel it. This is my reality, and fast, easy answers teach me nothing.”
“Preparing them to get the best grades, to get into the best college, or learn another language, or perfect the violin, or work with a top soccer trainer. Instead, I want to cherish them now and give them what they deserve. Time.”
“Today, I lost it. I could feel my nerves fraying at the seams as my toddler refused to listen to anything I said. And in true me fashion, I cried. I lost my patience. I slammed cabinets and scraped plates filled with uneaten dinner. I took away privileges and declared mommy law. The mental load of motherhood broke me. Finito. Buh-bye. GONE.”
“They follow the rules, on their terms. They ask all the questions, especially the ones that cannot be answered easily. They don’t do fake. There’s no room in their vocabulary for artificial sweeteners; what you see is what you get.”
“‘It’s all in your head, Jessica. It’s just your severe anxiety playing up. You CAN walk, it’s all mind over matter.’ No one took me seriously.”
“‘The judge signed off, and now we can go through with the adoption.’ It should have been one of the happiest days of my life. Instead, I was absolutely terrified. We’d just gotten some absolutely terrible news a few days before: James had cancer.”
“For a while, all that was under our roof was your whole world. But our home is now a resting spot from the big world you belong to. A world where I can’t wait to see how you fly.”
“I created this cookie in preparation for that ‘someday’ when either my daughter or son celebrates their wedding.”