“Society has moved forward, but old-school stereotypes remain ever so present.”
- Love What Matters
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“Society has moved forward, but old-school stereotypes remain ever so present.”
“My experience of being adopted has been an emotional roller coaster. I will always wonder where my birth family is, but in the end, I will always be thankful.”
“I always knew there would be multiple versions of my children. What I didn’t consider is the many versions of myself parenthood would require me to be.”
With our lives so intensely focused on technology, there is a huge need (and benefit) to discover no tech hobbies.
“It’s messy, beautiful, and heartbreaking on all levels, and it is the identity I am proudest of.”
“This calendar is a way to honor the manner in which my dad lived every day of his life.”
“They need us and we need them to keep our communities alive.”
“If I had to go back and do it again, I wouldn’t change the lessons I’ve learned, the stress I’ve had, or the current uncertainty to make life easier.”
“Tell people the impact they have on your life. Let them know what they mean to you. Because maybe the day you tell them is the day they most need to hear them.”
“I was smart, athletic, and funny but the only thing that mattered to me was being pretty and thin.”