“In this stage, you finally feel like you have some time and yet, you are running out of time. The 40s are consistently very confusing and yet, very satisfying.”
- Love What Matters
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“In this stage, you finally feel like you have some time and yet, you are running out of time. The 40s are consistently very confusing and yet, very satisfying.”
“I didn’t know how peaceful and beautiful birth was intended to be.”
“The future will be, indeed, female.”
“With a toddler and a newborn in the house, things are the realest they have ever been.”
“He said, ‘Ma’am, would you like to be my chauffeur tomorrow for my girlfriend’s prom?’ I smiled because I liked his gutsy move and his charm. I decided without anything other than gut instinct to turn the car around and go talk to this kid. His name, I learned, was Jonathan.”
“I always knew I was adopted. I don’t know how, but I knew. I went up to my room and sat on the floor for hours, sifting through letter after letter, card after card. Seeing photos of my birth mom, her husband, and other children. They all looked happy and fulfilled. The box triggered a tidal wave of emotions I’d bottled up for 18 years.”
“It’s okay to forget when you showered last or heck, choose sleep OVER showering.”
“I see them sitting there taunting me on the steering wheel as I drive, all wrinkly and veiny and old-looking.”
“This is true love. From the heart, from the deepest part of our souls.”
“What if I don’t make it?”