‘There were two types of girls: skinny girls and fat girls. Being fat was the worst thing we could be.’: Woman loses 100 pounds after ‘the perfect storm’ in college, immerses herself in world of fitness

“After graduating, I packed my bags and headed to college. There, I found a college meal card, 24-hour Dominos delivery, and a party lifestyle. What I didn’t find? My running shoes. Lack of activity, poor food choices, and a very skinny ‘eats anything he wants’ college boyfriend created the perfect storm. I’d gone from heavy to morbidly obese.”

‘We got the horrifying call in the middle of the night: ‘She’s bleeding from her mouth and we don’t know where it’s coming from and can’t stop it.’: Mom shares grief journey after losing twin to rare heart defect, DiGeorge Syndrome

“She’d been taken in for emergency surgery. The bleeding seemed to have slowed, but they still hadn’t found the source. ‘She’s losing too much blood and I don’t think she’s going to make it.’ But she wasn’t gone…there was still hope. The next time the doctor came in, all hope was lost.”

‘I was staying at a hotel. My friend had a clean needle, and just like that, I shot up meth for the very first time. My entire world flipped upside down.’: Addict’s powerful story of finally getting clean after hitting ‘rock bottom’

“My mom kept calling me. I ignored her. Next thing I know, I’m waking up to paramedics in my face. I overdosed. If my mom had gotten home 5 minutes later, it would’ve been too late. I would’ve been gone. Something told her she needed to walk home from work the very moment I didn’t answer her calls. Someone was looking out for me.”

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