It’s Time To Let Moms Sleep

“You’d never get into a taxi with a sleepy driver, right? Or trust a life guard who is dozing off by the pool? Or hire a security guard who is constantly yawning and too exhausted to react in a crisis?”

‘I cannot express what it feels like to carry around a dead baby for a month. I wanted to claw out of my body.’: After her month-long miscarriage, woman says she would ‘never wish this pain on anyone’

“Our doctor joked about the possibility of seeing triplets on the ultrasound. I was dizzy, so very dizzy. I laid down on the table and exposed my stomach. I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready for my heart to be broken again. He put the wand on my stomach, and I knew instantly. I couldn’t see a baby. My doctor was quiet. I told him there was nothing there. It wasn’t a question. I knew.”

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