“I finally feel like I am getting better. I finally feel like I am starting to live again.”
- Love What Matters
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“I finally feel like I am getting better. I finally feel like I am starting to live again.”
“I want a season of presence rather than perfection.”
“I was so relieved, I had confirmation that it was not all in my head. I had plans for the next steps and someone finally believed me.”
“My bad experiences and thoughts partly outweigh the rest, but I always get out of there stronger.”
“Despite all the challenges and in face of all struggles, there is so much love in our house.”
“We’ve enjoyed our life as a couple and we are excitedly anticipating being a family.”
“Thank you, Dad, for sharing with me wisdom that will forever be tattooed on my heart.”
“10 years, 9 kids, 1 grandson later, and I’m still fostering. This is not about me, my feelings, or my needs.”
“Alcoholism is a progressive disease. It wants you alone, in a room, dead – simple.”
“Society has moved forward, but old-school stereotypes remain ever so present.”