The Hidden Blessing Of Single Parenting

“The moment we realize this blessing is more than recognition, a future spouse, friendships, prestige, or money, is when we can finally begin to understand it. Because it isn’t anything tangible or even visible to people around us.”

‘You are NOT a widow.’

“It might be meant to be funny and it might be catchy, but if you are saying it and your husband is still alive, you are using the term wrong. You are not a widow.”

‘Overnight, our 15-month-old’s personality changed. A once easy-going child turned aggressive, OCD’ish.’: Mom learns of son’s PANDAS/PANS diagnosis, ‘There was ZERO doubt in my mind he had this’

“He would scream bloody murder to get in the bath tub, and became obsessed with wearing ‘soft’ clothes. It was like walking on eggshells since an explosion could happen at any moment for no reason. I chalked it up to him being a toddler, with a new baby brother and all the changes military life brings. Over time, I knew this was not the case.”

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