‘I walked by the man cave. ‘I love you very much!,’ he shouted. That night, at the age of 32, I became a widow.’: Pregnant wife’s harrowing journey after unexpected death of husband

“I finally fell asleep with the sounds of Dan’s snores in the background. At 3:40 a.m., for some odd reason, I opened my eyes. I heard silence. I ran downstairs. To this day, I have no idea why I panicked. I turned on the light to the man cave. He was right where I left him only 40 minutes earlier, still in his recliner. Only this time, I knew he wasn’t asleep.”

Farmers Are The Backbone Of The Country

“I would like to challenge all my farming friends, wives, husbands, families, to please fill social media with pictures and stories which PROVE how much our farmers do for their stock and produce.”

‘Our marriage was over. I found out things about him that left me devastated. I was raised in a home where divorce didn’t happen.’: Mom overcomes divorce and alcoholism with 2 years of sobriety

“I called a guy on the phone. He was like, ‘are you drunk?’ I said, ‘no,’ and my friends started laughing. Here I was, 24 years old, single mom of 2 boys and working 2 jobs. I was hurting and every chance I got I went to bars and drank more than I should have. I was in self-destruct mode.”

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