‘I love you, but it’s really important I have a blood child.’ I tried for 10 years. I saw my dreams go up in smoke.’: Woman with PCOS, Endometriosis survives near-death experience, gets pregnant after decade of trying

“I was in and out of consciousness. The doctor grabbed this huge syringe and needle (I mean HUGE). I thought he was going to stick it in my stomach, but he put it somewhere else…inside me, through my cervix and into my stomach. I just knew I was about to have to terminate my baby. They weren’t even giving me a choice. They had to cut me wide open. I had a C-section scar but no baby to show for it.”

‘So God made a sister’

“He knew you needed another set of eyes to bear witness to all the glorious magic and madness of your childhood – someone who could feel the ache of memories long past and smile with knowing eyes when you talk about the good ole’ days.”

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