If Today Was Your Last Day On Earth

“Would you keep hiding from everyone you knew, ducking behind grocery store displays in an attempt to hide your less than perfect hair day, or avoid awkward small talk?”

‘She didn’t pick up. I left a message telling her I needed to talk to her. The cops yelled we couldn’t be there.’: Mom loses battle with depression, dies by suicide

“One day she stopped talking. My friend had just been murdered so I was crying hysterically in my house. She couldn’t even comfort me. She didn’t have it in her. She had no energy to feel, to move or to talk. I kissed her goodbye and told her I loved her. That night, I started shaking uncontrollably and a horrible feeling overcame me all at once.”

‘We’re having a baby!’ My daughter ran the positive pregnancy test to her dad with the biggest smile.’: Mom adopts child from foster care in wake of infertility, gets pregnancy with her little brother

“‘Um, wait. What?’ We learned we’d been wildly misinformed about where Taylor was. She never went back to her mom like we were told. Instead, she went to 3 MORE foster homes, including one that lost their license for abusing children. Our frustration and anger with the system ran deep. We were here, ready, available and waiting for her. We didn’t understand how this could possibly happen.”

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