I Gave Birth, But I Didn’t Come Home With A Baby

“I write this for the mom about to go through this. I write this for her, so she might be able to mentally prepare for the oddity of wanting congratulations in such a sad time. I write this to prepare her for the desire to celebrate her child’s life, while she’s mourning that very life.”

‘I have no idea how many weeks I am. I never had my period.’: Woman suffers two consecutive miscarriages, urges others to ‘stop asking couples when they’re going to have kids’

“My friend said, ‘I have this weird feeling you’re pregnant.’ I laughed. ‘No way, I have not even gotten my period yet.’ Sure enough, those two lines showed up. WHAT? I immediately called my husband. ‘Are you kidding me?’ After an hour, a nurse told me, ‘You picked the wrong day to come here. Monday’s are busy.’ My husband, getting frustrated, looked at me and said, ‘I’m going to get the truck. We’re not staying here.’”

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