‘We ran away and married in secret. I fell in love before I knew her name. Right then, I confessed, ‘I’d marry you in a heartbeat.’: Veteran recounts whirlwind romance, ‘We were meant to be’

“It was love at first sight. Every time she entered the room, it felt like the world stopped turning. Life had different plans for us, and it wasn’t quite our time. I was deployed and we lost touch. After returning from Iraq alive, I had a fresh perspective on life. There was an instant bond between us.”

‘I had a dream you’re getting a baby,’ a lady texted. I looked at my husband, tearful and angry. ‘That’s just MEAN. Doesn’t she know how long we’ve been trying?!’: Woman surprised with pregnancy after ‘6 long years’ of trying

“When my son was two months old, my life took a turn I never expected. I bent down to pick my baby up and felt something snap. I dropped him in his crib and couldn’t move. I called my doctor and said, ‘Something isn’t right.'”

‘There I was, 17 and 34 weeks pregnant, learning my daughter had a huge tumor in her brain and was going to die.’: Teen pregnant with daughter receives terminal brain cancer diagnosis days before delivery

“I had no time to digest this news, no time to research, no time to prepare. I went into early labor and delivered my daughter days later. More doctors, more scans, more blood work, all to be told my week-old daughter had stage III brain cancer. Terminal. ‘You can expect her to die soon.’ What was supposed to be the happiest few days of my life were the most painful and traumatic moments I’ll ever experience.”

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