‘Did she just tell me I’m going to have triplets?’ I hung up the phone. I wish we got our fairy tale ending.’: Mother of twins says ‘every ounce of pain has turned into joy’ after losing one child in pregnancy

“‘All 3 of your eggs made it to embryo stage!’ I wish I could tell you that this was it, that we finally had our fairy tale ending. I thought we would get a break, that we had finally ‘arrived.’ I was wrong. I was face down on the floor sobbing. Our Baby C, who we named Charlie, went to Heaven.”

‘You need to go. Be out in nature.’ She took her last breath and vanished into the air. I’ll never forget those words.’: Man’s soulmate dies of cancer, travels the country with her ashes

“My wife knew being out in nature, amongst the wind and the rock, would be my medicine for grief. Two months after she passed, with a map and her ashes, I set off on a journey that would take me 12 weeks, 19,000 miles. I was on my own, but I wasn’t alone. Her urn sat in the passenger seat as she always did. Her spirit was there, guiding and comforting me.”

‘Tomorrow is Grandparent’s day. If your child has a grandparent living in the area, you’re welcome to bring them.’: Mom devastated after realizing her children’s grandparents live too far away

“That was just about enough to shatter my heart into a million pieces. My kids’ grandparents live 970 miles away and 2,437 miles away. We chose this life for our children. We chose to pursue opportunity in states far away from our own parents, their grandparents.”

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