‘Hi Mom, I’m home. Wake me up for school at 9, ok? I love you.’ I looked right at him, ‘I love you, too. Get some sleep, it’s late.’: Mom loses 26-year-old son to heroin-laced joint, says she’ll ‘always carry him in her heart’

“He was very upset and put his hand on my shoulder. ‘Mom, I would never do that to you or dad. I love this family way too much. I love you, mom.’ I looked straight in his eyes and thanked him, and I truly believed him. I still do till this day. He was home, safe, planning for school the next day. When I went to wake him for school, I knew he was gone the moment I saw him.”

‘She looked at me and said, ‘Mommy I heard you crying. Are you ok?’ ‘The baby is in heaven now.’: Family strives to overcome pregnancy loss

“We said our final goodbyes by attending a shared burial. Our baby, along with 30 or so others, were buried all together in a beautiful little white casket. At the end of the service, each family had a chance to spend a few moments with all the babies in the casket. My husband, the girls and I all walked hand-in-hand slowly up front.”

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