‘You’re paralyzed from the waist down.’ I was thrown 50 feet and landed on my back. I was told I’d never walk again.’: Woman makes amazing recovery after car accident, ‘My journey isn’t over’

“I remember my first thought being ‘Lilly!’ I tried to get up, but couldn’t move. I couldn’t feel. I couldn’t do anything. Seconds later, someone screamed, ‘Say something, say something!’ And all I said was, ‘Help.’ I was life-flighted. I died that day. I took my last breath when first responders put me in that helicopter. EMT’s did chest compressions the whole way. I was rushed straight in the OR. No one knew if I would even make it through the night.”

‘I ran across an old boyfriend’s picture today. Not just any boyfriend, but the one who broke my heart, the one I was certain was ‘the one.’: Woman reminisces about life, ‘Sometimes the end of the road isn’t the end of the journey’

“I cried over him. I lost weight over him. I stayed in bed for a week over him, and then went out every night for a month over him. I kept running it over and over in my head, completely melted into my mess thinking, ‘God, why? I don’t deserve this.'”

‘Marry that boy. Make him happy.’ I would wear makeup to cover the bruises on my cheek.’: Woman’s husband suffers from PTSD, traumatic brain injury post-military, ‘Never give up on their love’

“I thought he was just angry and stressed out. When he slowed down, his brain would wander. He blacked out while driving us down the highway and started to scream. ‘If you don’t get help, I’m taking the baby and leaving.’ It’s like losing the person you fell in love with and not being able to mourn.”

‘He wasn’t going to make it. The nurse placed her hand over my back. I shrieked. She knew what I knew.’: Woman surprised with pregnancy after husband’s death

“On our wedding day, by the end of the night, he was drained. The morning after, he slept in late because he was so exhausted. The night we celebrated his life, I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. It felt like a complete surprise, until I went for the ultrasound. My heart skipped a beat. July 27th was the due date. Jesse’s birthday.”

‘I was 9 when my brain started believing my worth was truly nothing. Girls at school kept saying I’d break the mirrors with my ‘ugly dog face.’’: Mom shares how to tell if your child is being bullied 

“There is a difference between meanness and bullying. I know from my own experience being bullied. I see what the signs are in my own boys if they’re struggling in school with a bully or a mean kid. Here are some ways you can tell if your child is being truly bullied.”

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