‘When my water broke, it was all blood. Something was very, very wrong.’: Woman and son nearly die in ‘traumatic birth’ due to undiagnosed pre-eclampsia and HELLP

“The nurse brought me an oxygen mask. I remember thinking, ‘I’m not going to die, not today!’ and fought off the mask. My mom took my hand, came to my bedside, and said, ‘It’s not for you, it’s for Henry.’ I grabbed the mask and rallied. When everything else in my body was failing me and beginning to shut down, I pushed two times harder and fought to keep him alive.”

5 Hilarious Signs You May Have Triplets

“3. You’re used to looking like the local circus when you go anywhere. You’re also used to all the inevitable stares and comments (no, we didn’t do it three times, people).”

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