‘I had a ton of excuses as to why I couldn’t, but each one was eliminated. I was quickly immersed in the emotional roller coaster ride that is ‘foster care.’: Young woman adopts relative’s premature baby

“A nerve injury in her small intestine has caused quite the turmoil in her little body. Every day she complains that her belly hurts. Every day she retches and throws up. This has become our normal. Foster care is hard. Medical needs are hard. But I’m here to tell you that these kids are worth every single sleepless night.”

‘Maybe she hasn’t discovered her left arm yet?’ My baby was only using her right hand. Something was ‘wrong’ with my perfect, healthy girl.’: Daughter’s Hemorrhagic Stroke misdiagnosed for months, mom ‘beyond proud’ of her despite disabilities

“At her 6-month checkup, the pediatrician casually asked, ‘Does she switch toys back and forth between both hands?’ When I answered no, she said, ‘Oh no. This really isn’t normal.’ In the center of her brain was a burst vessel. This was both shocking and devastating. We were done waiting for her to ‘discover’ her arm. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. This was not in my plans, at all.”

Please Stop Telling Me How I Should Celebrate Christmas

“If I want to scurry around every morning, freaking out about forgetting to move the darn elf the night before, and panicking that I’m going to get caught by my 7-year-old while trying to place him in a new spot…that’s my choice. If I want to sing ‘Baby it’s Cold Outside’ while sipping egg nog in front of the fire, next to my handsy husband… don’t be concerned for me.”

‘Will she survive? Will she breathe?’ This was it. There was no turning back. I heard her loud cries.’: Mom births baby with Lymphatic Malformation, condition makes her ‘love her little girl so much more’

“I’d carried her 9 months and soon doctors would be taking her away from me to save her life. ‘When can I see my baby?’ I asked the nurse. ‘Not yet.’ I was finally able to gaze at her through a plastic incubator. There were wires all over her new skin and into her tiny little nose, tape securing them down. But nothing could ever steal away what she was. Beautiful.”

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