‘It was two days after the ultrasound when my body spontaneously began to miscarry. The ultrasound technician told me he couldn’t see a baby, a heartbeat, anything that should have been there at 12 weeks’ gestation.’

“I told myself the early miscarriage wasn’t worth being sad about. I had two friends at the time who had recently suffered late term losses and I knew that must be much more devastating to cope with. I had no right to cry when they had suffered so much more.”

‘Before having kids, the only half-a*sing I was doing was letting my then tight booty peek out of a pair of two-short self-hemmed, denim shorts or squish it into a little black dress.’

“The tight booty is gone, I haven’t put my thunder thighs in shorts in seven years, and although black is still my color of choice, I opt for high-waisted leggings instead of dresses. During the brief period from Halloween night through New Year’s Day, us mothers half-a*s the shiitake out of everything, and it is entirely acceptable.”

Marry The Guy That Does All The Things

“The guy that works hard for his family and often puts his needs dead last. The guy that goes to three different grocery stores to try and find his pregnant wife that special macaroni salad she just has to have (or the baby has to have.)”

I Almost Lost My Life To Toxic Shock Syndrome

“I woke up and it all hit me. Flu like symptoms. Fever, chills, vomiting and a rash developed on my left inner thigh. I had just moved back home to my parents a week prior and if it wasn’t for my mom, I would not be here writing this.”

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