‘Their biological dad stopped coming around. I re-married, divorced, co-parented, and married the same man again.’: Woman escapes toxic relationship, marries new husband twice, ‘it was the happiest moment of our lives!’

“It was horrific. Todd and I decided to separately seek counseling. We were no longer in a relationship, but we knew that we had to be the best co-parents to the girls. That same year, we were engaged to be married on our original wedding anniversary…again.”

‘I’ll never have a baby because I can’t stay sober.’ I revealed my addiction and her face lit up. Why did she want to pray for me when she was the one dying?’: Woman gives birth to ‘miracle’ baby she was told wouldn’t live

“I got married in the hospital chapel with our closest friends and family. Little CJ got to come out of the NICU to be the tiniest ring bearer in history. His nurses brought him in a little wagon with all his tubes and machines in his preemie tux.”

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