To The Ones Barely Hanging On—It Will Get Better

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“To the person who feels stuck in their life and finds themselves driving to places so deep in thought, they aren’t sure how they arrived,⁣

things will get better.⁣

To the person who just got out of a toxic relationship and is feeling vulnerable, like they aren’t enough, that they’re unlovable,⁣

things will get better.⁣

To the kid who feels so much pressure, like they always falling short and always will, like no one likes them, and they don’t fit in,⁣

things will get better.⁣

To the parent at the end of their rope, thinking they’re a failure, completely over the lack of appreciation and spends most days thinking their family would be better off without them,⁣

things will get better.⁣

To be human is to experience day-to-day difficulties, and some days will be better and others worse.

Mental illness is hard.⁣

Life’s hard.⁣

Life with a mental illness feels impossible at times.⁣

But nothing stays hard forever.⁣

And we aren’t alone,⁣

because whatever we’re feeling right now, someone in this world’s feeling the same thing.⁣

And with each time we struggle, we get better, stronger, more resilient, and become more us than ever before.⁣

Because we have that kind of strength inside each of us.⁣

Suffering’s a part of life,⁣

but so is joy.⁣

And that joy’s worth it.⁣

And I promise you⁣

with time,⁣




it will get better,⁣

And if the situation doesn’t,⁣

you do.⁣

You learn,⁣

you grow,⁣

you change,⁣

and you make it better.⁣

So, never give up,⁣

because it’s always worth it.⁣”

[If you or someone you know needs help, please contact the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 anytime.[

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Danielle Sherman-Lazar of New Jersey. You can follow her journey on Facebook and her blog. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

Read more from Danielle here:

‘I’m a better mom than friend. I show up late to your birthday dinner. I miss coffee, because someone awoke with a cold. I’m unreliable, burnt out.’: Mom admits ‘my kids always come first’

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‘We can’t forget each other. Us is where it started.’: Mom urges ‘give grace’ to your partner, ‘Your entire family will feel it’

‘Her hard may be little compared to your hard, but she has reason to feel overwhelmed, and she deserves your empathy.’: Mom says ‘push judgement aside, no one’s having an easy time right now’

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