“To all my friends who have expressed that they are struggling with homeschool – this is not homeschool. I homeschooled my kids for several years, and what you all are doing is a thousand times harder.
When we made the choice to homeschool our kids years ago, we took months to decide and prepare. We researched curriculum, talked to other families, coordinated dual enrollment for classes with our public schools, and planned extensively. You’ve had no time to plan.
We had an entire summer to shift from the full-time schooling mentality to something different. In homeschooling circles, this is known as deschooling and is highly recommended if your kids are transitioning mid-year as well. You’ve had no time to transition.
Then, once we started homeschooling, it became obvious what a misnomer that is, as we were so often not at home. We were at the library, at community classes, on field trips, collaborating with other families, even learning on the road while traveling. In short, we were surrounded by community and other people almost all the time, and never without support.
Additionally, I had the privilege of not working a full-time job from home while teaching the kids.
You all have just been thrown into the deep end of a pool you didn’t choose, with no time to plan, varying amounts of guidance from your school districts (some of you have fantastic distance learning plans coming your way and others are completely winging it), you are running businesses from your coffee tables, and hardest of all, you are confined to your homes and yards without the social connection and community support that helps typical homeschooling families thrive.
This is not homeschool.
This is surviving the moment we are all in, and that moment changes by the day. By the hour.
So please, please give yourselves a huge break. Are your kids fed? Do they feel safe and loved? If so, you’ve got this. You’ve more than got this.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Jess Townes. You can follow her journey on Facebook and her website. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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