They Don’t Brag Enough About A Mama’s Girl — There’s No One Like Her

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“They don’t brag enough about a mama’s girl. But if we could see ourselves in our daughter’s eyes, we would see a chicken nugget-slingin’, milkshake-makin’, play-date plannin’ best friend, who never lets her down.

They’re miniature versions of ourselves.

When my daughter displays what I’ve taught her, I see kindness and realness. If those are the affirmations she takes from her mother, then I am proud to say I am doing my job.

She shows compassion and empathy. I am confident, reassured even, this world didn’t make me as hard as I thought it might. She shows me I am powerful, independent, and strong because she is powerful, independent, and strong.

A sweet, sweet mama’s girl will show you who’s boss and hype you up at the same time. When she gets out of the car and she’s forced to hold a hand, 99% of the time she picks mine. I am her safety. How lucky am I? For someone to love me so very much they would always pick me first?

A mama’s girl will gas a mama up. Ain’t nobody out there like your mama. I imagine what a video clip of the inside of her mind would look like: ice cream, unicorns, rainbows, cookies, sweets, treats, and you guessed it… her mom.

I know I can’t always be first. I know we will have seasons. I know she will let parts of me go.

I know even though she is soft and I am soft that some days will be so, so hard.

I know when she’s 14 and angsty, I will laugh at the pictures in her room with an X through the face of her mama, and I’ll be assured I am still doing a good job.

Because even when it’s hard, especially when it’s hard, she’s looking at you. And even when you’re not so sure, you’re always leading her.

No matter what, I will always be beside her. What we take from each other is what we wish for the world: a built-in best friend for life. There’s no one like a mama’s girl.”

mama's girl poses with a big smile and a thumbs up
Courtesy of Wallflower Writing

This story was submitted to Love What Matters  by Wallflower Writing at Detroit Moms. You can follow her journey on Instagram and her websiteSubmit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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