Thank A Mom In Your Life—They’re Doing Much More Than You Think

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“You saw her make the Eggo waffles and pour the syrup.

But did you see her respond to the teacher’s email about her child being behind in math?

You saw her driving her kid to soccer practice.

But did you see her up all night worrying about the mental health of her child?

You saw her volunteer at the class party.

But did you see her signing her kids up for all of their activities?

You saw her switch the laundry and empty the dishwasher.

But did you see her juggling everyone’s schedules?

Penciling in all of the doctor’s appointments, practices, games, birthday parties, and more?

You saw her tuck the kids into their beds.

But did you see her planning and prepping for that killer vacation you went on?

You saw her get all dolled up (finally) for that date night.

But did you see her call for a babysitter and get reservations at that new sushi place?

You saw her cooking dinner.

But did you see her understanding what each of her children are feeling without them even talking?

You thought you saw her doing it all.

But there’s so much more that’s invisible.

Say thank you. More than you already do. And ask how you can help.

So, she doesn’t feel invisible, too.



This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Angela Anagnost. You can follow her journey on Facebook. Submit your own story here.

Read more from Angela:

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