‘She’s carrying a real baby in there? And she can’t see?!’ I’m a woman with a guide dog and a chunky baby strapped to me.’: Blind mother urges ‘be kind with your words’

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“‘Do you think she’s blind?’

‘No, she must just be training the dog.’

‘Is she out on her own with that baby?’

‘I didn’t know they could do that.’


‘She’s carrying a real baby in there? And she can’t see?!’

I’ve been on one trip out today to a shop and heard all of the above in the space of twenty minutes.

Masks don’t muffle your voice as much as you think.

Yes—I’m registered blind.


No—it doesn’t mean that I have total sight loss. Think of it like autism; there’s a huge spectrum of vision, not just normal sight, partial sight, totally blind.

Yes—we can do that, and by that, I’m assuming you mean have children.

No—I wasn’t out on my own, but I do and have been out independently working the dog whilst carrying the baby. The husband was in the other aisle getting me snacks.

Yes—it’s a real baby and no, they don’t give blind people practice ones.


I’m just a woman just going about her day, doing what everyone else does, buying stuff she doesn’t need in the store. I just happen to be doing it with a guide dog and a chunky baby strapped to me.

Please be kind with your words, even if you don’t think anyone can hear.”

Courtesy of Kirsty Davies

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Kirsty Davies. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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