“If you are with a woman who has anxiety or depression, this is what you need to know…

Every day she is faced with demons, and it is exhausting.
Every day is an overwhelming experience for her.
She has walls so thick and solid it might seem you can’t ever break them, but you can, and you can do that by understanding her.
When she explodes from anger, it’s the anxiety that has triggered it. It’s the fear and the thoughts whirling causing her frustrations.
And she wishes it didn’t.
She doesn’t want her moods to confuse you. She doesn’t want to hurt you; she can’t control it, and she wishes she could, and for that she is sorry.
She wants to do nice things, go to nice places and enjoy herself, but her anxiety and depression take the joy and rip it out of her.
She may have had so many boundaries crossed in her life that to simply have someone walking too close to her can make her feel uneasy.
That’s why being social can be so difficult for her and make her throat feel like it’s in a vice.
Sometimes it’s not you she needs space from, but space from herself.
She needs alone time.
Life can get incredibly overwhelming for her, so when you step in and take control – cancel appointments, let her rest, cook dinner, order takeaway, whatever – you are releasing her from a burden weighing on her mind.

Some things might appear irrational, but they’re so real to her, and that’s hard. But she knows you’ll be there to get her through the ugly feelings consuming her.
You are the only person she can share these racing thoughts with.
You are the good in her life. Your presence reminds her every day.
And she’s afraid she will lose you. That one day you’ll pack your stuff and leave because you’ll have had enough.
She worries about that. She worries about you. More than she worries about herself.
She loves you. With all her heart, she loves you.
She can survive without you but she thrives with you, so be by her side and she will be by yours, and she will always be fiercely loyal to you, because a woman with anxiety and depression feels so deeply and those feelings for you are as deep as the ocean.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza, where it originally appeared. Follow Laura on Instagram here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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