“Husbands, love her where she is.
Love her when she takes the time to do her hair, and still when it’s wrangled into a knot.
Love her when her clothes are trendy, and still when she decides on an oversized sweater.
Love her when her legs are buttery smooth, and still when they’re prickly.
Love her when she’s clean, and still when last night’s broccoli is wedged between her teeth.
Love her when she’s a chatterbox, and still when she doesn’t look your way.
Love her when the house is spotless, and still when you can’t see the floor.
Love her when the going’s easy, and still when there’s nothing in it for you.
Love her when she’s kind, and still when neither of you think she’s deserving.
You see, on her game or off, your girl aches every day for your unshakeable love and support.
Because in the beautiful universe of child-rearing and housework that has all the potential of leaving a person tired, overwhelmed, and lonely… chances are?
She probably is.
And she desperately needs her man to love her where she is.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Erin Eddy of Wooden Spoons and Brown Paper. Submit your own storyhere and be sure tosubscribeto our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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