“Quarantine is not a competition.
It’s not a competition of who’s handling it better. Or worse.
It’s not a competition of whose job is considered more essential. Or not as much.
It’s not a competition of whether you can homeschool.
Or complete your home projects. Or not.
Or thrive. Or struggle. Or coast. Or just survive.
It’s not a competition of who can do the most for their kids, or for whose are best behaved.
It’s not a competition of who has it worse. Or who’s lost more things.
It’s not an indication of your discipline.
Not your at-home workouts. Not the amount of muscles or pounds you’ve gained.
It’s not a competition of how much you can keep your home the same.
Because one day, you’re going on three walks—and the next you’re hiding outside in your parked car.
One day, you can start a project or two, and the next you can be too tired to even function.
You are in an entirely different circumstance than anyone.
Not the same as your neighbor, or your parents, or your friends—
our universal experience is actually quite different.
It changes by the day. Minute. Second.
While you’re thinking—someone somewhere has it better… someone somewhere has it worse…
don’t forget it’s not a competition.”
This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Whitney of Trains and Tantrums. You can follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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